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Make a Tax Deductible Donation‏

Nearly all of the visits by the Pets & People Foundation are free of charge. Please consider making a donation to our general fund to cover our costs of running the Foundation.

All Personal & Business Donations are tax deductible.


Pets and People is a registered 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.

Our Federal Tax ID number is 04-2867797


If this donation is in memory of a dog or person, please let us know where to send the acknowledgement under the "Optional Note" prompt you will receive after choosing your dollar amount.


Our operating funds are predominately derived from donations and grants. While our volunteers provide ‘People Therapy Through Pets’ our inspiration comes from the people whose faces light up when a dog or cat walks into the room and shares that unconditional love and attention to someone in need.


Donate by Check

Kindly make your check payable to"Pets and People Foundation"
If this donation is in memory of a dog or person, please let us know where to send the acknowledgement.

Pets and People Foundation

9 Cornerstone Square, B-400/197 

Westford, MA 01886

 Our Founders

Wald Research Fund

Donations to the Wald Research Fund will be set aside to support organizational, student or faculty led research in the area of Animal Assisted Therapy. Donations are tax deductible

Stanley H. Wald was the founder of Pets & People Foundation and a long time resident of Newton, MA. Stanley believed deeply in the principles of “people therapy through pets”, sharing his Corgi named Shadow with so many. He was also passionate about providing data driven research around Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT).


In his memory, the Wald family along with Pets & People have created the Wald Research Fund from which an annual donation will be made to support organizational, student or faculty led research in the area of AAT. Research in the field of AAT is as important today as it was back in the early days of Pets & People. If you would  like to help support Stanley’s passion for this type of research, please donate to this fund.



Sally Jean Volunteer Fund

Donations to the Sally Jean Volunteer Fund will be set aside to sponsor special volunteer engagement activities for Pet & People members. Donations are tax deductible.

The Sally Jean Volunteer Fund was established in memory of Sally Jean Alexander, a long-term member of the Pets & People board, and the motivating force for our organization for over 20 years. The volunteers of Pets & People were very special to Sally Jean and they are the heart of the organization today! Sally Jean passed away in January 2013 and her strong presence is missed. 


In recognition of her dedication to the volunteers of Pets & People, the Sally Jean Volunteer Fund was created to sponsor special member engagement activities for Pets & People volunteers. 


Other ways to support Pets & People 

Order Pets & People Gear

Apparel, doggy raincoats and more.

10% of sales towards Pet & People

Paper Packaging

Contact us to inquire about corporate sponsorship or partnership opportunities


Thank you to our Sponsors

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